Mauricio Bellido

Following the Masters Steps

Mauricio is the fifth and last of the sons of Manuel Bellido, and the third, after Jesus and Miguel Angel, to dedicate himself to the construction of guitars.
Born in 1980 and raised in a world of guitars, he started soon to play this instrument with the local teacher Javier Moreno Rebollo. At the age of thirteen he moved to flamenco with Jose María Ortiz, and took technic lessons with the classical guitar master Vicente Coves.
Mauricio takes his first steps in the workshop of his father, Manuel, at the age of eighteen, combining the learning of the technique of traditional varnishing with shellac with his university studies and English, French and German languages. In 2004, he ends his finishing and varnishing training in the workshop of Eduardo Duran Ferrer, and in 2007 he built his first guitar with his father.